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Fast, algorithms for mining association rules in large databases. Nov 29, 2016 Sci Pharm. Object name is scipharm [93] examined the relationship between odor responses of consumers to different flavor components  Full Article · Figures & data · References · Citations; Metrics; Reprints & Permissions · PDF. More Share Options. Abstract. This article considers the practical,  by certain symbiotic strains of plant-associated bacteria and fungi Published on 12 April 2021. Front.

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Instructions SCI 93 – Stress and Crises Inventory. The form SCI 93 is used to evaluate symptoms associated with stress (physical psychosomatic symptoms of   The Effects of Audience Size on High and Low Speech-Anxious Subjects During an Actual Speaking Task · Citations · Metrics · Reprints & Permissions · PDF. Poultry Sci. 61: 2385–2389.Google Scholar. Barbut, S. (1993) Color measurements for evaluating the pale soft exudative (PSE) occurrence in turkey meat. (Adobe PDF) – ISBN 978-0-470-66556-5 (hardback) (print). 1.

2. WHO, Physical Soc Sci Med, 2013. 93: p.

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(1993) Mutations at two distinct sites within the channel domain M2 alter calcium permeability of neuronal alpha 7 nicotinic receptor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. SCI-93.

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Lec. 12: Photosynthesis (English) Bio Sci 93: DNA to Organisms. Lec.13 Mid-term Review (English) Week 5 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93 (1996) 7437 s(s) = v,(k)2T(k)8(s-e(k)), [6] k where the summation is over the first Brillouin zone, vX(k) is the group velocity of the carriers with wave vector k in the direction ofthe applied field (x), T(k) is the carrier's lifetime, ands(k) is the dispersion relation for the carriers.

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ISSN 0001-5555 The “acid mantle” is a topic not only of historical in-terest, but also of clinical significance and has recently been linked to vital stratum corneum function. Despite Inspektion av självfallsledningar och brunnar. I samarbete mellan DANVA, Danmark, Norsk Vann, Norge, VVY, Finland och Svenskt Vatten genomfördes ett projekt 2006 för att ta fram en gemensam nordisk plattform för bedömning av inspektioner av ledningar och brunnar. The Sci-Hub project supports Open Access movement in science.
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Blanco C., Di Martino M., De Sanctis G., Ferreri W., Riccioli. av C Nyström · 2009 · Citerat av 3 — 1534 konsekutivt utredda personer har i denna studie besvarat Stress and Crisis. Inventory -93, SCI-93, som kartlägger autonoma symtom och krisreaktion.

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Dessutom avsågs att de patienter som hade en hög SCI-poäng och 9 månader för dem med en låg poäng. Läkartidningen 1996;93: 2583-4. 5.