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Trump put out a statement after the recording was released. "This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf But this is locker-room talk.” Watch Trump’s comments, below: On Monday morning, the hashtag #LockerRoomTalkIn5Words was trending with 14,000 tweets as of 10:15 a.m. and about 100 more coming Trump insisted that his remarks about women from 11 years ago are insignificant, especially when there are more important issues like ISIS. When Martha Raddatz asked Trump if he’s the same man today as he was in that 2005 video clip, Trump again repeated that it was locker room talk and contrasted his words with Bill Clinton’s actions.
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After the tape was released, Trump dismissed the comments as “locker room banter” and went on to win the presidency, while Bush ended up getting fired from his Today co-hosting gig.But now, Bush is speaking out about the tape in a new Trump says he apologized for the remarks caught on tape in 2005 and turns the discussion to ISIS.» Subscribe to NBC News: http://nbcnews.to/SubscribeToNBC» W 2016-10-08 The latter is locker room talk. The former, which is what Trump actually said, is the description of something that can get you arrested. Donald Trump called this “locker room talk” in the debate. 2nd PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE 2016: The Republican and Democratic presidential candidates discuss the leaked video at the presidential debate.SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS For other young Republicans, Trump’s comments about being able to “do anything” to women proved too much to forgive. “The Party of Lincoln is not a locker room, and there is no place for 2016-10-19 2016-10-11 Donald Trump's Locker Room. 289 likes.
2016-10-08 · transcript. Donald Trump’s Lewd Comments About Women In a 2005 recording obtained by The Washington Post before the presidential election, Donald J. Trump talks about women in vulgar terms to Donald Trump’s Locker Room This is how he talks about the rest of America when he’s with his buddies.
Locker room talk UF Archives - Dagens PS
2016 — "Dear Donald Trump: I played in the NFL. Here's what we really talk about in the locker room. Signed, Chris Kluwe." https://t.co/U31RXc8vt3.
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He is a and fat-shaming and they don't call bragging about sexual assault ”locker room talk”. 21 dec.
There are a range of characters and voices in that all-male haven. 2016-10-11
In October, a tape of a conversation between Donald Trump and former Access Hollywood host Billy Bush emerged in which Trump bragged about sexual assault. After the tape was released, Trump dismissed the comments as “locker room banter” and went on to win the presidency, while Bush ended up getting fired from his Today co-hosting gig.But now, Bush is speaking out about the tape in a new
Trump says he apologized for the remarks caught on tape in 2005 and turns the discussion to ISIS.» Subscribe to NBC News: http://nbcnews.to/SubscribeToNBC» W
The latter is locker room talk. The former, which is what Trump actually said, is the description of something that can get you arrested. Donald Trump called this “locker room talk” in the debate.
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2016-10-13 • 1 min 13 sek. LeBron James om vad "locker room talk" är efter Donald Trumps grova sexprat om kvinnor, som han kallat "locker room talk". poster 11 okt. 2016 — Donald Trump in 2010: “This is my boardroom.
2016 — Men det fanns redan då tecken på att republikanen Donald Trump bort som typiskt ”Locker-Room Talk” mellan grabbar i ett omklädningsrum. 'Get the Gat': LSU: s Viral Locker Room Dance Challenge, förklarade Grammys 2020: Singer-Songwriter Joy Villa Sparks Spirited Response With Trump 2020
Comments Off on Rape Culture: Donald Trump's locker room scandal did us a favour. Sadly, Trump is a very true reflection of the type of man that is living and
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and about 100 more coming Trump insisted that his remarks about women from 11 years ago are insignificant, especially when there are more important issues like ISIS. When Martha Raddatz asked Trump if he’s the same man today as he was in that 2005 video clip, Trump again repeated that it was locker room talk and contrasted his words with Bill Clinton’s actions. The nominee, who was 59 years old at the time, had just married his third wife, Melania Trump.
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8 anledningar till varför Donald Trump definitivt borde börja
9. Finspångs kommuns Vidare uttryckte Donald Trump i slutet av månaden hot om att 10 jan. 2018 — Hela världen fick vad USAs 45e president Donald Trump sa när han trodde ingen lyssnade, ”locker room talk” som han kallade. Han sa bland manga, movie, tv, cosplay, sport, food, memes, cute, fail, wtf photos on the internet!
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— The Daily 17 okt. 2016 — Peter Griffin har ”locker room talk” med Trump i Family Guy-special. Donald Trumps bisarra uttalanden får till och med Peter Griffin att reagera. 17 nov. 2016 — Delmon Haffo, Annika Strandhäll och Donald Trump TT Flera menar att det påminner om Donald Trumps ”locker room talk” och upprörs av Föreläsningen ”Tack Donald Trump” är en inspirationsföreläsning och introduktion till Locker Room Talks arbete med metoder för att skapa nya sätt att arbeta 2 juni 2017 — Deras egna upplevelser gav dem idén, av Donald Trump fick de namnet. Locker Room Talk är ett prisat företag startat av två unga killar som 21 nov.
Såld Han hade objektifierat kvinnor och gjort sig skyldig till det som Trump benämner som ”locker room talk”.