Koltrast Turdus merula - Fotosidan


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Turdus merula – autumn Common Blackbird AGE – BEST CRITERIA: In 1cy, moult contrast is present in GC, most often in the central part of the arm. Rarely, all GC are included, and a contrast is then seen towards the juvenile PC. Adult birds show a uniform and freshly moulted plumage. 1cy: Most birds include 4-8 […] Turdus merula with the common name Blackbird, belongs to the Birds group it is geographically distrubuted among the following countries/areas: Albania, Bulgaria Musträstas (Turdus merula) on rästaslaste sugukonda rästa perekonda kuuluv lind. Turdus merula, (IN)Common Blackbird, (EN) Blackbird, (US)Common Blackbird , (FI) mustarastas, (DE) Amsel, (SV) Koltrast, (FR) Merle noir, (ES) Mirlo común, (CA True thrushes are medium-sized mostly insectivorous or omnivorous birds in the genus Turdus of the wider thrush family, Turdidae. The genus name Turdus is Latin for "thrush". The term " thrush " is used for many other birds of the family Turdidae as well as for a number of species belonging to several other families.

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Solo material exclusivo. ¡La Turdus merula. Lahko: Varpuslinnut – Passeriformes; Heimo: Rastaat – Turdidae; Yleiskuvaus: Tumma, isokokoinen rastas. Koiras kokomusta, naaras ja nuori lintu tummanruskeita.

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Common Blackbird Turdus merula by nordicnature

This was the first time that USUV had emerged outside Africa and caused fatalities in warm-blooded hosts. Blackbird (turdus merula) is a species of true thrush.

Turdus Merula Foton - Ladda ner gratis bilder - Pixabay

Turdus merula

Mustarastas liikkuu tasajalkaa hyppien (kottarainen juosten). Koko: Pituus 23,5–29 cm, paino 80–135 g. Turdus Merula December 16, 2015 · During the Summer of 2015 the Swedish paper zine Det grymma svärdet made an interview with Turdus Merula for their 23rd issue. Se hela listan på commons.wikimedia.org Mustarastas (Turdus merula) on rastaiden sukuun kuuluva lintulaji. Turdus Merula.

Turdus merula

merula, Mirlo común. El mirlo común es un ave bastante común. El macho, de color totalmente oscuro, con el pico amarillo y un anillo  Download this Premium Photo about Common blackbird (turdus merula), and discover more than 8 Million Professional Stock Photos on Freepik. logo Turdus Merula. prev.
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Turdus merula

Turdus merula merula. From Wikispecies. Jump to navigation Jump to search.

Turdus merula. Läs på ett annat språk · Bevaka · Redigera. TvärspråkligtRedigera. SubstantivRedigera.
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Turdus merula - Hedblåvinge Hälsingland 5 augusti

This enhanting beautiful diorama holds a leucistic blackbird (Turdus merula). A magnificent still life has  Pris: 397 kr. häftad, 2000. Skickas inom 6-10 vardagar.

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A Common Blackbird turdus Merula Stockvideoklipp helt

It inhabits almost the whole of Europe, a large part of   15 Ene 2008 Mirlo Común – Turdus merula. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de  Turdus merula subsp. merula, Mirlo común.

Common Blackbird Turdus merula by nordicnature

Turdus Merula December 16, 2015 · During the Summer of 2015 the Swedish paper zine Det grymma svärdet made an interview with Turdus Merula for their 23rd issue. Rastaat Turdus: Laji: merula: Kaksiosainen nimi; Turdus merula Linnaeus, 1758. Mustarastaan levinneisyys: Katso myös Mustarastas Wikispeciesissä Mustarastas Commonsissa. Infobox OK Nimi-testi OK IUCN-testi OK Blackbird (turdus merula) is a species of true thrush. Family: Turdidae Length 24 to 25cm. Wingspan 34 to 38cm.

se Australia, Tasmania, Norfolk, Lord Howe is. Turdus merula cabrerae: Madeira and w Canary Islands; Turdus merula aterrimus: SE Europe to Crete, Rhodes, Caucasus, Transcaucasia and n Iran; Turdus merula syriacus: S Turkey to Syria, n Iraq and s Iran; Turdus merula azorensis: Azores Eurasian Blackbird (Turdus merula), version 1.0.