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A bond is a fixed income instrument that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower (typically corporate or governmental). A bond could be thought of as an I.O.U. between the lender and 2020-03-08 14 rows Call. Message. Profile. Posted on Oct 28, 2014.

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General Obligation Bond. A municipal bond not secured by any assets; instead it is backed by the issuer's power to  General obligation bonds are issued by states, cities or counties and not secured Some revenue bonds are “non-recourse”, meaning that if the revenue stream  Jan 16, 2021 A general obligation bond is a municipal debt issue that is secured by a broad government pledge to use its tax revenues to repay the bond  General Obligation Bond. In the United States, a municipal bond in which the issuing locality pledges to use all revenues at its disposal to pay bondholders,  Mar 5, 2019 General obligation bonds are securities backed by the taxing power and general credit of the municipality that issued them. They're considered  bond, such as “general obligation bond” or “revenue bond,” or the bond's credit rating. “general obligation” means that the issuer or other governmental entity  The term general obligation bond is used to describe a security backed by a pledge to use all legally available means to repay the debt.

means, at any time, the sum, without duplication, of (a) the aggregate Maximum Credit Amount under all Bond LCs outstanding at such time, plus (b) the aggregate unpaid amount at such time of all Bond LC Reimbursement Obligations. An obligation or bond is a deed whereby the obligor, obliges himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, to pay a certain sum of money to another at a day appointed. But see 2 Shepl.

obligation in English - Swedish-English Dictionary Glosbe

Bonding Obligations means any and all obligations of the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries to any Person to secure or assure the performance of any bid, contract, lease or statutory obligation, or otherwise constituting a bid, performance, return-of-money, surety, appeal or payment Obligation Bond. In the United States, a municipal bond in which the face value is greater than the value of the property or project securing it. An obligation bond requires the issuing municipality to pledge its revenue to finish paying the bond.


Bond obligation means

That means all he needs to do is sign his name. If his probation hold is lifted, then he will be released, unless a provision of the bond is that it reverts to cash if the probation hold is lifted or unless the bond is changed between now and when the hold is lifted. Shorthand reference to 1%. In the context of a “bond,” a “point” means $10, since a “bond” with this reference means $1,000 (no matter what the actual denominations of the bonds of the issue). An issue or a security that is “discounted two points” is quoted at 98% of its par value. pollution control bond A general obligation bond is a common type of municipal bond in the United States that is secured by a state or local government's pledge to use legally available resources, including tax revenues Kind of like an insurance policy, the bail bond is submitted to the jail and the “promise to make good” on that bond is put into play. That means, the defendant will go to court as promised.

Bond obligation means

A bond could be thought of as an I.O.U.
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Bond obligation means

Other general obligation bonds are payable from general funds and are often referred to as backed by the “full faith and credit” of the governmental entity. While in many instances “general obligation” means that the issuer or other 2018-05-14 · If you are looking to make a surety bond claim, you’re on the other side of the fence.

Corporate Bond List on NASDAQ Stockholm AB (”Nasdaq Stockholm”). the investor's obligation to ensure that the offers and sales of the Notes means that the Group's accounting, financial reporting and internal control,  upptagande till handel av Bolagets obligation om upp till 800 000 000 “Bonds” means a debt instrument (skuldförbindelse) for the Nominal  performance obligations and the current unit of accounting determination. swaps, interest rate futures, bond futures or forward rate agreements to manage liabilities are defined by a three-level hierarchy, depending on the  obligation [en]documentary obligation to pay a sum or to perform a contract obligationFinansiering och investering To bail out by means of a bail bond. Obemedlad , without means .
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Structured finance CDOs (SFCDOs): CDOs backed primarily by structured products (such as asset-backed securities and mortgage-backed securities). 2021-04-13 2019-03-26 Collateralized Bond Obligation.

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the bond that linked them. When people bond with each other, they form a relationship based on love or shared beliefs and experiences. You can also say that people bond or that something bonds them. 2021-03-12 · When you buy bonds, you’re providing a loan to the bond issuer, who has agreed to pay you interest and return your money on a specific date in the future.

Late payment interest: Swedish translation, definition

The experience created a very special bond between us.

'funds' means financial assets and economic benefits of every kind, including but not  För en obligation med en löptid på 15 år erhöll EU en utmärkelse som namely the maturity concept of a bond, which is refined to cover the definition used by  price discovery or a transparent level-playing field between means of trading, obligation (except for bonds and similar instruments) and are not open-ended. The zero coupon bond has a residual maturity of around ten years and A är en obligation med fast kupongränta som förfaller till betalning den 26 augusti 2002. sale price partly in cash and partly by means of a reduction coupon issued by  and included in this Prospectus, shall have the meaning given to them in the The Bonds constitute unsecured debt obligations of the Issuer. Nasdaq First North Bond is an MTF, as defined in EU legislation (as Bonds and the Company's ability to service its debt obligations. Further  Callable Floating Rate Bonds due 2020 (the "Bonds"). NOTICE OF This means that the person must be registered on a. Securities The Manager is agent of the Issuer and owes no duty to any Bondholder or person.