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It covers areas is the South West, South East and East of England and Finistere to Pas-de-Calais in France. 2 seas Operational Programme INTERREG IVA – Final version – September 19th 2008 4 / 109 Programme summary The 2 Seas cross-border cooperation (CBC) programme enables cooperation between regional and local actors from different territories in 4 Member States. This takes the form of projects in which these The INTERREG VA Programme is one of 60 similar funding programmes across the European Union that have been designed to help overcome the issues that arise from the existence of a border. These issues range from access to transport, health and social care services, environmental issues and enterprise development. With a total budget of € 185M, being €140M of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), this programme cofinances cooperation projects in the fields of Innovation & Competitiveness, Resource Efficiency, Territorial Risks Management, Biodiversity and Natural & Cultural Assets. Information to our beneficiaries: Interreg 2 Seas 2014 -2020 is an EU programme facilitating cross-border cooperation between England, France, the Netherlands and Belgium (Flanders).

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INTERREG IVA Greater Region programme (FR-BE-LU-DE) Visit the programme website! Multipistes. Programme website; Project website in 2018; Coal, steel, sweat and fire - Initiative to create an events culture surrounding the Greater Region's common industrial heritage. Programme website INTERREG Atlantic Area is a European funding programme that promotes transnational cooperation among 36 Atlantic regions of five European countries. With a total budget of € 185M, being €140M of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Interreg Europe‘s predecessor programme is among one of the first INTERREG programmes to be closed. You can have a look at the final report of the programme .


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MittSkandia. 6,8 M€. 80 projects.

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Interreg iva programme

NOSTRA är ett INTERREG IVC-projekt med målet att främja samarbete Finansiering INTERREG IV 2 Seas programme. Se www.hsr.se/kalendarium. Marlin finansieras av Central Baltic Interreg IVA Programme. Postat 17 oktober, 2013 Författare adminKategorier Nyheter  Fonder och program EU/regionala Interreg Syfte och prioriteringar Generellt fr Interreg: (attraktiva, dynamiska)Programperioden 2014-2020: Interreg IVA: ex. Figur 2. Karta över programområdet Interreg Nord och dess regioner.

Interreg iva programme

Specific Objective 3.1; Specific Objective 3.2; Skilled and socially inclusive region IBIS was a partnership between the Loughs Agency, Queen’s University Belfast, and the University of Glasgow, supported by the EU’s INTERREG IVA Programme, managed by the SEUPB. IBIS operated until June 2015 and delivered across four outcome areas.
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Interreg iva programme

note = "Funded partly by and conducted within the Interreg IVA {\"O}resund - Kattegat - Skaggerak-programme.",. year = "2011",.

List of the Interreg IVb programmes: Alpine Space programme Atlantic Area programme Baltic Sea programme Caribbean Area programme Central Europe programme Indian Ocean Area programme MAC programme - Açores-Madeira-Canarias Mediterranean programme North Sea … The Interreg France (Channel) England Programme is a cross-border programme between the north of France and the south of England, with €150 million still available for the development of new projects. With a new, streamlined application process, combined with a hands on facilitator network, obtaining significant funding is now easier than ever. INTERREG IVA The Cross Border Territorial Co-operation Programme for Northern Ireland, the Border Region of Ireland and Western Scotland (known as INTERREG IV) is a European Union supported Structural Funds Programme which seeks to address the economic and social problems which result from the existence of the borders.
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Find out more about Scotland's importance within the INTERREG Programme. INTERREG IVA Case Studies . The INTERREG VA Programme has helped to positively transform the lives of tens of thousands of people across Northern Ireland, the Border Region of Ireland and Western Scotland. Programme Objective - Enterprise.

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These issues range from access to transport, health and social care services, environmental issues and enterprise development. With a total budget of € 185M, being €140M of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), this programme cofinances cooperation projects in the fields of Innovation & Competitiveness, Resource Efficiency, Territorial Risks Management, Biodiversity and Natural & Cultural Assets.

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EUROPEAN UNION. EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND. INVESTING IN YOUR  The educational programmes designed for environmental communication are a is co-financed by EUs Central Baltic Interreg IV A programme 2007-2013. plan för det nationella strukturfondspro- grammet för regional konkurrenskraft och sysselsättning. Andra exempel på operativa program är Interreg IVA Botnia  26001, Interreg IVA Central Baltic Programme 2007 - 2013, -42 000, 42 000. 26002, Interreg Central Baltic Programme 2014 - 2020, -80 000  Capacity building of acp experts and middle managers working in exporting companies using the pip tool box PIP is a European cooperation programme  Till hjälp finns program som Europeiska Socialfonden (1.3.1), Livslångt generationer på ett lokalt och regionalt plan, Interreg IV och URBACT II. Interreg IV  Recent research show that e-government has a potential to plan for, Acknowledgements: This study originates from the EU Interreg IVA project, MARIFUS,  INTERREG IV i fråga om ”EUROBALTIC Civil Protection Programme” har haft MSB har stöttat aktörernas deltagande i Interreg IVA projekt. Den mest kompletta Vetenskapens Hus Luleå Program Bilder.

Karta över programområdet Interreg Nord och dess regioner.